Possible Virtual Vision Prototype HMD

This is an HMD I got as part of a bulk auction purchase. It came with a Virtual Research V6 and a Virtual Vision Eyeman. From what I can tell it appears to be an early…

Virtual Vision Eyeman

The Eyeman. An interesting blast from the past! Monocular monochrome white see-through HMD from Virtual Vision.

eMagin Z800 Dual Input

Got my hands on an eMagin Z800 with the dual input board option and a huge facemask!!

Virtual Research V6

Just got my hands on a Virtual Research V6. Love this thing!

Measurand ShapeHand

Check out my new Measurand ShapeHand review!!

Arrington Research EyeFrame eye tracker

Check out my new Arrington Research EyeFrame eye tracker review.

coreMPU + NXP Mbed Tracker

Started development on a NXP LPC1768 Mbed 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and coreMPU sensor board.

Pololu MiniIMU-9 Head tracker

Posted a project page talking about a great Pololu MiniIMU-9 IMU board that can be used for building a head tracker.

YEI 3-Space Micro USB Tracker

Check out my YEI 3-Space Micro USB review!!!

Stereo 3D Drivers

Check out my new Stereo 3D driver review!!!