Virtual Boy Wired Link Cable Build

Details on how I build my link cables!

Virtual Boy Programmer Updated

I’m working on a few Virtual Boy projects at the moment. Never thought I’d be working on this many VB projects 20 years after first seeing it in a Circuit City. This one is an update…

Mario Tennis 2 Player on Virtual Boy!!

A big surprise this week was announced on PlanetVB that Mario Tennis has disabled 2 player link code lingering in the release ROM. It’s been re-enabled in a patch and is now playable using my link…

Updated Virtual Boy 16Mbit PCBs

Just got my updated Virtual Boy 4/8/16 Mbit PCBs. Changed the front side to red and the back to black (opposite of first batch). The reference designators also show up now like they should. Ordered quite…

Virtual Boy Link Cable

I’ve been working on a link cable project so that people can finally play Virtual Boy in 2 player versus mode! The most famous being Hyper Fighting. Then the only other two games that are VB…

Reflow Oven

I just built a DIY reflow oven to help in making some of my VR projects.

Virtual Boy Programming Adapter

April 25th, 2017 I’m working on a new Virtual Boy project that required making a programming adapter for my programmer. Now I remember why I made it wider originally! Made a rookie move and decided to…

New Two-Tone Virtual Boy PCBs are here!

A new batch of Virtual Boy PCBs came in and the board house was willing to do a two-tone red and black design to match the Virtual Boy. The front of the PCB is black and…

Virtual Boy Cartridges

I’ve spent a lot of time recently on Virtual Boy cartridges. Check them out!

256 Mbit Virtual Boy Cartridge

Updated 5/24/17 I’ve actually picked this project back up after putting it on hold for several months. I have a PCB design completed which supports up to 128Mbit ROM and 128Mbit expansion via the Virtual Boy…