Intersense InterTrax 2

Recently got around to getting my Intersense InterTrax 2 working in WorldViz Vizard. Check it out!

Inertial Labs OS3D

Check out my review of the Inertial Labs OS3D sensor. This thing rocks!!

coreMPU + NXP Mbed Tracker

Started development on a NXP LPC1768 Mbed 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and coreMPU sensor board.

Pololu MiniIMU-9 Head tracker

Posted a project page talking about a great Pololu MiniIMU-9 IMU board that can be used for building a head tracker.

YEI 3-Space Micro USB Tracker

Check out my YEI 3-Space Micro USB review!!!

Hillcrest FSM-9

Check out my new Hillcrest FSM-9 here.

3DOF Tracker

This is my first 3DOF Tracker project. I’m continually working on it to try to improve the performance. It has come out quite nicely so far. This first design uses a tri-axis magnetic sensor along with…