Quake 2, Taw, and Note 4

Recently played Quake 2 on my Note 4 using the ANTVR Taw headset. Quake 2 is available in a Google cardboard application thanks to the guys over at Durovis. You can see the instructions and download everything you need on their site. Scroll down to their Native Sensors section for the Quake 2 info.

It’s not a perfect implementation on my Note 4 mainly due to the head tracking not being that great without the help of the GearVR platform. There’s some studdering in the game as well when scenes load with a lot going on. However, if you run the game at it’s max resolution of 2048×1526 (which is an odd resolution) you can get an idea of how great Quake 2 could be on GearVR. Quake is on GearVR as I’ve written about here and it’s awesome. Quake 2 is available on the DK2 which is an almost flawless implementation which I’ve also written about here. However, Note 4 has a better screen at 2560×1440 than DK2 1920×1080 and it really shows nicely in this demo.

If only we could get the DK2 experience using the Note 4 screen or better. It would look awesome. I guess we’ll have to wait for the Note 6 or S7 coming in a few weeks! Maybe we’ll even get that 4k screen we’ve been waiting for…